The One that Became this One


A duet created by Ludvig Daae and Marie Kagrell. The One that Became this One premiered
at MDT, Stockholm, Sweden in May 2013.
Is there such a thing as repetition, or is repetition always a representation of memory?
Is similarity in properties enough to state identity between entities? Who has the power
to decide what repetition or representation is?
In this research, we are interested in the relationship between the purely physical work
when dealing with dance movement and a theoretical background with specific issues such
as representation, change, repetition and identity. Do we define each movement
separately, or in relation to other movements? Is it possible that the movement does not
exist on its own, but only as I perceive it? We wish to create a dance performance where
these two can benefit from one another. The dance should rest on a solid theoretical
fundament, without being weighted by it. It’s still dance. Ish.
Concept, choreography and performance: Ludvig Daae and Marie Kagrell.
Sound: Robin Jonsson.
Light design: Chrisander Brun.
Financial support: Stockholm Stads Kulturförvaltning and Kulturrådet.
With the support of the DEPARTS network. DEPARTS is funded by the European Commission
Culture program.